David Gifford Photography

Gulberwick Geology

Photo: Gulberwick Geology

Millions of years of history to be read in the exposed Devonion period sandstone near Gulberwick beach.

Wanting to find out more about the geology, I happened on the very same scene on the Shetland Landscapes website [Edit - link no longer available].

The site explains:

Around 370 million years ago a walk through where Lerwick is now would have meant a wade across fast flowing rivers in a climate not unlike the Death Valley of today. These rivers were fed by run off from high mountains to the west and carried sediments east to be deposited in lakes. The cobbles, gravels and sands of these rivers can be best seen at Gulberwick […]” [Shetland Landscapes - Geology of Shetland]

And gives the following caption for the Gulberwick locale:

The medium to very coarse sandstone displaying trough and planar cross bedding above channel lag pebbles were laid down in active channels of braided streams. Fine grained red siltstones and mudstones with desiccation cracks are overbank deposits from flood events. Thicker beds of fine-grained sandstone formed from suspension in abandoned channels.” [Shetland Landscapes - Devonian of SE Shetland]

This description didn’t mean much to me on a first-reading! I think I’ve got the gist of it now, with the help of a makeshift glossary (extracts from Wikipedia):

[Gulberwick during Lockdown collection - Image 60 of 80]


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